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I’m currently working on a 2D Java game with inspiration coming from games like Final Fantasy and Undertale called The Adventures of Mark. It features a typical too-tired-for-this-shit college pizza delivery boy who must embark on an adventure down the block to earn his pay. Will his Tolerance and Brain Power hold true? Find out, nightly, on the GitHub repository featuring this project located here. This is definitely one of the larger games I’ve worked on and is filling me with more and more determination each day.

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Current state of the battle system. All of the assets (except the fonts) are drawn digitally and animated by myself.

I’m collaborating on the game with a friend of mine, Jackson Yeager (his portfolio). Although Jackson may have more knowledge than myself when it comes to various data structures, he has less experience with game making. Regardless, I’m sure both of us will learn something from this project, and I would definitely recommend you take a look at it if you’re at all interested.

I’ll be updating this post/making new ones as the game progresses.